S P L O T - The Plotter Simulator V3.0 for Win32 -------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1991-96 by Alexandr NOVY All rights reserved. UNREGISTERED COPY The list of enclosed files: README.TXT - this file ABOUT.TXT - about the SPLOT program NEW.TXT - what's new SPLOTW32.EXE - the SPLOT executable file SPLOTW32.DLL - the SPLOT function library SPLOTC32.DLL - the SPLOT plotter common library HPGL2.DRV - the SPLOT library for HP-GL/2 pen plotter HPGL2.TXT - about HP-GL/2 support HPGL2NEW.TXT - what's new in HP-GL/2 support HP7475.DRV - the SPLOT plotter specific library for HP7475A plotter HP7595.DRV - the SPLOT plotter specific library fo HP DraftMaster plotter ROLDXY.DRV - the SPLOT plotter specific library for Roland DXY plotter SPLOTEN.DRV - the SPLOT language library (english) SPLOTEN.HLP - the SPLOT help file (english) PAPERS.INI - initialization file containing user defined paper sets PAPERS.TXT - description of PAPERS.INI file LICENCE.TXT - important registration, licensing and evaluation information ORDER.TXT - registration/order form PLOTTERS.TXT - the list of supported plotters with parameters ASCII.PLT - demonstration HP-GL text file FILE_ID.IDZ - the description file for BBS use THP7475.ZIP - zip file containing HP-GL test files from HP7475A plotter programming manual THP7595.ZIP - zip file containing HP-GL test files from HP DraftMaster plotter programming manual THPGL2.ZIP - zip file containing HP-GL/2 test files from HP-GL/2 programming manual TDXY.ZIP - zip file containing DXY-GL test files No special installation required. Simply copy all the files (but only *.exe, *.dll, *.drv and *.hlp are necessary) to any directory and run SPLOTW32.EXE from the Win32 or Win32s environment. This Win32 version of the SPLOT program was tested under these systems: - Win32s ver.1.30c - Windows 95 - Windows NT ver.3.51 - Windows NT ver.4.0 Beta2 If you experience any problems, please let me know. Alexandr Novy Havlickova 2209 390 02 Tabor Czech Republic Internet: anovy@mbox.vol.cz anovy@bohem-net.cz http://www.clavis.tel.cz/AlexandrNovy/index.htm